@LMULTI0Welcome to my library!

Self Introduction!

Name: Layne
Age: 14
Birthdate: 7/31
Country: Philippines
Languages that I can speak: Tagalog & English
Any pronouns(mostly preferred He/him/they/them)
Pansexual(mostly preferred women)
I mostly talk in eng when chatting and posting but there are times I text in tagalog so I try to make it understandable when you translate one of my posts but if it's not accurate I translate it my myself in replies!
I cuss alot so bear with meπŸ˜­πŸ™
Likes: Watching/reading anything I find interesting, drawing, writing, organizing stuff, food but I'm pickyDislikes: pedophilia, incest, rape, sending anon hate, toxic and rude ppl not in a sarcastic way, homophobia etc.Active time:
Semi IA due to other personal reasons or just not in the mood.


This will be updated if nessescary!This account is FUB freeThis is not spoiler free
Will post nsfw in priv but the gore ones will be on my main, multifandom & multi shipper, reversible
Do not follow if you are uncomfortable with my age and contentArt area!
Do not repost my art without permission! If my art does not have a 'do not repost' text on the watermark on orv arts it's for edits to use for bb-nim art reposters! (Tho it may not be suitable for edits) If there's an art of mine you see does not have a watermark nor a "do not repost", I simply forgot to put one long ago. Smuts will be posted on my priv
Writing Area!Do not repost my works without permission! Again smuts will be posted on my priy I write fluff, angst, gore etc. on my mainRandom rants and wips that mostly likely will never be finishedI mostly talk in eng when chatting and posting but there are times I text in tagalog so I try to make it understandable when you translate one of my posts but if it's not accurate I translate it my myself in replies!


Tokyo Aliens
Blue Lock
Tower of God
World Trigger

Social media accounts!